Home Health Agency Compare Site -- This site allows you to compare home health agencies that you are considering using. KHCA urges you to contact the home health agencies and ask questions of them directly.
Home Care Hotline: 1-800-842-0078 - For Kansas patients and families to communicate concerns or complaints regarding home care services or providers.
Medicaid Fraud and Abuse Div. of the Kansas Attorney General: 785/368-6220
Medicare Fraud and Abuse: 1-800/876-3160
End of Life/Hospice
Hospice Agency Compare Site -- This site allows you to compare home health agencies that you are considering using. KHCHA urges you to contact the hospice agencies and ask questions of them directly.
National Association for Home Care & Hospice - national organization representing home care and hospices, caregivers and volunteers who serve terminally ill patients and their families.